Page 99 - Revista Científica Biofar
P. 99
perder peso, mientras que la dosificación Mayor de San Francisco Xavier de
ND2 lo es para aumentar de peso. En cuanto Chuquisaca, Faculty of Technology.
al incremento de peso (IP) se observó que la Finally in the third phase the product was
dosificación ND2 presento el IP más applied in a number of experimental rats
elevado, lo cual indica que para engorde esta with different dosages to determine which
dieta es ideal como complemento nutritivo. one was the best, for which the evaluation of
Después de las cuatro semanas the nutritional value of different dosages of
experimentales seleccionamos una rata por the formulation chosen product was made by
cada grupo en total cuatro, las ratas fueron biological experimental tests in rats, in a
sacrificadas y se realizó la disección donde time of 29-30 days, providing diets with an
se extrajo el hígado y el estómago; estos average protein content of 2.66% and
órganos posteriormente fueron comparados calculated energy content of 319 Kcal / 100g
con los órganos del control, no hallándose on experimental subjects. Based on these
diferencias. values isoproteic and isocaloric diets were
Palabras clave: Evaluación nutricional, evaluated.
derivadas apícolas, miel, polen, propoleo, The product doses were modified to be able
jalea real to better apply the tonic with a dosage of
0.0532, 0.1064, 0.1596 and 0 g of the
ABSTRACT product in 1 ml of water , was worked with
an animal control group without the
In the present investigation, we have administration of the complement, in this
confirmed the evaluation and formulation of way . The animals were divided into four
an alternative-energy nutritional supplement groups of three individuals each ND1
based on 100% natural ingredients, 0.0532, ND2 0.1064, ND3 0,1596, NDC
combined bee products such as honey, 0.0. The product was administered daily for
pollen, propolis, royal jelly and natural four weeks, orally with a syringe, daily
extracts. weight and feed intake of each animal was
The aim of the study was to obtain and recorded, after 15 days that the rats were
evaluate a product as a nutritional isolated for the test, feces where collected
supplement. until the end of After the test, the feces were
In the first phase of study the different dried in the sun and by laboratory analysis,
components of the product were collected; we obtained the amount of Fecal Nitrogen
honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and with this data we calculate the Apparent
natural extracts (provided by the beekeeping Digestibility.
business “La Reinita”). Then the physico- The results obtained from the text of the
chemical and microbiological analyzes were experimental diets show that, if there were
performed to choose the best quality for use statistical differences between the dosages
in formulating the tonic as a nutritional ND1, ND2,ND3 and NDC. In relation to
supplement. the apparent digestibility (DA), the
In the second phase the tonic “Energy -Bee” nutritional contribution of ND1, ND2, and
by making the respective physical, chemical ND3 diets is more efficient because it
and microbiological analysis to provide a absorbs more nutrients at a higher product
quality product, which were performed at concentration. Regarding Proteína
the Laboratory of Food and Nutrition Efficiency (PER), the results indicate that
(LAN), Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences the ND1 dosage is a good option to lose
was developed and biochemical the weight, while the ND2 dosage is to gain
University of San Simón and at the weight. Regarding the increase in weight
Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Toxicology (IP), it was observed that the ND2 dosage
Nutrients and Real y Pontificia Universidad presented the highest IP, which indicates